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Your Go-To Guide for Succulent Success: Top Blogs & Care Tips All in One Place

Free resources that shaped Xerophyte Garden into what it is today 🥰

Explore a curated selection of top succulent resources, featuring expert care tips, scientific websites, and image sources we trust.

American Horticultural Society

Inspiring a culture of gardening and horticultural practices that creates and sustains healthy, beautiful communities and a livable planet. Visit today.

Epic Gardening

Gardening advice for all experience levels. Learn to start a veggie or flower garden with practical, and in-depth garden tips and tricks. Visit today.

Success With Succulents

Discover succulents with Debra Lee Baldwin, bestselling author of Designing with Succulents, Succulent Container Gardens and Succulents Simplified – visit

Succulents and Sunshine

Our goal at Succulents and Sunshine is to help you keep succulents alive, even in less than ideal circumstances – visit


Each of our brands inspires lifestyles, mindful living, and celebrates life through thoughtfully-designed interior décor and accessories meant to connect individuals with nature and art – visit

Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center

The University of Texas at Austin Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center uses native plants to restore and create sustainable, beautiful landscapes. Visit

CactiGuide is committed to the conservation of cactus species primarily through education – visit

SucculentGuide is the sister site to – as many cactus growers also grow species from various other succulent plant families, this site was a natural extension of the pre-existing cactus site – visit

Florida Wildflower Foundation

The Florida Wildflower Foundation protects, connects and expands native wildflower habitats through education, research, planting and conservation – visit

North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox

The North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox contains detailed descriptions and photographs of 4,690 plants that grow in and around North Carolina – visit

Paradise Found Nursery

The source for rare succulents, cacti, caudiciforms, Sansevieria, and Florida Native plants. Visit today.

Cactus Jungle

SF Bay Area Garden Center specializing in local flora, succulents, cactus, bamboo & drought-tolerant plants, plus supplies and gifts. Visit today.


iNaturalist’s vision is a world where everyone can understand and sustain biodiversity through the practice of observing wild organisms and sharing information about them. Visit today.